Under 18s are not covered by insurance unless we have written Parental/Guardian Consent. 16 or 17 year olds can only take part if a Parent/Guardian completes in a special online Consent Registration Link – unfortunately H&B Adult is not suitable for children aged 15 or younger.
If you have a 16 or 17 year old in your Team, email info@aliveoutside.ie with the following info to request a Consent Registration Link:
- Event Date:
- Event Distance:
- Child’s Name:
- Child’s Date of Birth:
- Parent/Guardian’s Name:
- Parent/Guardian’s Email:
- Parent/Guardian’s Mobile:
- Who Child will Take Part With (must have at least one adult aged 18+ taking part with them):
By clicking the "CONTINUE" button you are confirming that there will be no U18s in your team.